Rufous hummingbird; Selasphorus rufus; 2014; Collected by Kenneth Racey

“Not all impressive creatures come in grand sizes like the elephant. Take the rufous hummingbird. Despite being one of the smallest birds to fly our skies at just over 3 inches long, it happens to be one of the fastest and feistiest, being very protective of its territory. It sometimes chases away larger-sized animals like chipmunks. Perhaps it is because of the ability and willingness to take on big challenges despite its small stature, it is depicted in some of our stories as an inspirational leader. A few years ago I came across a First Nations folktale retelling called The Little Hummingbird by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas. The titled protagonist shows courage, resilience, and strength bringing water drop by single drop in an endeavour to extinguish a forest fire. The hummingbird does this while all the other bigger animals look on and lament about why they cannot do anything about their burning home. “I’m doing everything I can.” says she. No matter what your size, you are significant and you can make a difference. That is what the little and hugely impressive hummingbird has taught me.“

Min So, Librarian at Vancouver Public Library.